Our Story
The School Food Company was founded by Ken and Mark Boland in 2011. Initially we provided the food service in Ennis Community College. We have since expanded our operations to an increasing number of schools across the Mid-West. We also provide a healthy food service to a number of afterschool and youth projects.
Ken Boland
Ken is a sport and exercise scientist with extensive expertise in the area of health promotion. He is a founding member of RedBranch School Health, a charity dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle choices for children and young people. Ken was a recipient of a Level 1 Social Entrepeneurs Ireland award in 2007 for his work with Redbranch.
Ken is dedicated to improving the health of children and young people. He founded the School Food Company in 2011 improve access to healthy food in schools.
Mark Boland
Mark holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Limerick. He has eight years of management experience in the hospitality sector. Mark is committed to ensuring that young people can avail of healthy options at exceptionally competitive prices. His expertise in the sector ensures the highest levels professionalism and standards are achieved.